Storybook Academy

Infant Care

Infant program - ages 6 mo - 2 yr

The Storybook Academy infant program is designed to support and encourage the amazing growth that happens within a baby's first year. A healthy balance of social, emotional, and physical learning experiences are all provided with each baby's individual development in mind. Infants in our program are all cared for in a safe, cozy, and comfortable environment that feels like home. Having this small setting allows babies to form strong attachments to their caregivers. Low provider ratios help ensure your infant is surrounded by care, support, and individualized attention. 


With low child to provider ratios, the infant program at Storybook Academy provides a calm safe, and peaceful environment where caregivers and infants are able to provide individualized and exceptional care for each infant.


The most essential piece of our infant program is the relationship between the childcare provider and the child. The trusting connection made between the two are critical to successful development.

Infant Program

Toys and activities are thoughtfully selected with the design to enrich and embrace each baby's natural curiosity. Our program provides opportunities for babies to enjoy and explore by touching, grasping, seeing, and hearing new concepts. 

unique advantages

Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product. Lorem ipsum resembles Latin but has no real meaning.Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product.

sign language

Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product. Lorem ipsum resembles Latin but has no real meaning.Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product Lorem Ipsum refers to a dummy block of text that is often used in publishing and graphic design to fill gaps in the page before the actual words are put into the finished product.

Hands down the very best quality in childcare. It seemed impossible for me to find childcare I trusted with my littles. Storybook Academy is an absolutely wonderful place where our little guys is thriving, happy, and given the absolute best care. Highly recommend!

Storybook Academy parent

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